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Disillusionment and Reality

I go through life thinking there is a silver lining behind every storm cloud, yet the reality is there is very seldom a silver lining. Yet, I press forward thinking one day I will reach the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Why do I have such thoughts or hopes or dreams.…


Many projects have been happening on the farm and in life. The farm projects are long over due in getting done. These projects have been on “the list” for a year or two. Their length of time on “the list” has various reasons from sheer mechanics of doing the project to outright procrastination. Our farm…

Creative Touch

There are many creative activities I enjoy doing. The past year I have been learning how to create using epoxy resin. My interest started with You Tube videos. Watching others create jewelry, then proceeding to miniature sculptures frozen in time, to creating trays, bowls, tables and chess boards. My first experience using epoxy resin was…

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